Jean-Luc GUICHET, program director at the College international de Philosophie (Paris) from 2004 to 2010, is professeur agrege at the University of Picardie Jules Verne (Ecole Superieure du Professorat et de l'Education, Beauvais), member of the Centre Chevrier (University of Bourgogne), the Comite d'Ethique Experimentation Animale Paris-Ile France and the board of directors of LFDA (Ligue Francaise Droit animal, Ethique et Sciences, Paris). His research, focusing on the human-animal bond from the XVII century to the present, also addresses contemporary issues in anthropology, bioethics, animal ethics and environmental ethics.
Main works (titles translated in English):
- Condillac'sTreatise of animals (Traite des animaux, Condillac (commentaire)), Paris, Ellipses, 2004;
- Rousseau, animals and humans. The animality in the anthropological horizon of the Enlightenment (Rousseau, l'animal et l'homme. L'animalite dans l'horizon anthropologique des Lumieres), Paris, Cerf, 2006;
- The use of animals for political purposes (Usages politiques de l'animalite) (dir.), Paris, L'Harmattan, 2008;
- Pain and suffering in animals and humans: scientific data, anthropological perspectives, ethical issues (Douleur animale, douleur humaine: donnees scientifiques, perspectives anthropologiques, questions ethiques) (dir.), Paris, Quae, 2010;
- Animal studies during the Age of Enlightenment, (Dix-huitieme siecle n°42(codir.): L'animal des Lumieres ?), 2010;
- From animal-machine to machine's soul: biomechanical debates on the soul (17th-21st centuries) (De l'animal- machine a l'ame des machines – querelles biomecaniques de l'ame (XVIIe-XXIe siecles)) (dir.), Paris, Publications de la Sorbonne, 2010;
- Animal issues and problems: epistemology, anthropology, ethics and the law (Problematiques animales – Theorie de la connaissance, Anthropologie, Ethique et Droit), Paris, PUF, 2011;
- Expert and co-ordinator of the chapter 1, The Question of animal pain, in Animal pain: identifying, understanding and minimising pain in farm animals (Douleurs animales - les identifier, les comprendre, les limiter chez les animaux d'elevage, 2009), published under the title: Douleurs animales en elevage, QUAE ed., 2013, Expert Scientific Assessment, INRA (Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, France) on demand of French agriculture and research ministries.