
A Review of Shark Conservation and Management in Taiwan  (Mr. Kwang-ming Liu )

Sharks have been utilized as food source by Taiwanese residents since 4000 years ago. Annual shark yield in Taiwan was around 40000 metric tons and ranked the fourth in the world in the past decade. Currently, there are 12 orders, 31 families, 59 genera, and 108 species of sharks; 14 families, 29 genera, and 66 species of skates and rays in waters off Taiwan. Before 1990, elasmobranch researches in Taiwan focused on taxonomy. Since then, age and growth of 17 species and reproductive biology of 20 species in Taiwanese waters have been examined. Heavy metal concentrations of the sawtail catshark, and genetic variation of starspotted smooth hound also have been described. Stock assessment on several species has been conducted. In addition, studies on fishery management based on vital parameters analysis and ecosystem analysis have been conducted. A shark working group including scientists, fishermen, and government officer was established in 2001 to promote the sustainable utilization of sharks. A mandatory report system of whale shark catch was established in 2001 and a management measure of TAC was conducted since 2002 and completely banned in 2008. Meanwhile, the conventional and satellite tags have been used to study the migration of whale sharks. Taiwanese government has announced "shark fin naturally attached" management measure and "shark fin import regulation" in 2012. Several shark species have been banned to comply the shark management measures of regional fisheries management organizations. In the future, more study on deep sea species, and an ecosystem-based stock assessment are needed to foster the implementation of management on Taiwan’s elasmobranch resource.




Department of Religious Studies, Hsuan Chuang University

Life Conservationist Association

HongShi Buddhist Cultural and Educational Foundation


Ministry of Science and Technology,Republic of China

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, R.O.C.

Ministry of Education, R.O.C.

Hsuan Chuang University


Hsuan Chuang University Research Center For Applied Ethics

Buddhist HongShi College