
A story of participating in the pursuit of Eco-justice – based on the study of Land Ethic and the practice of Simple Life  (Ms. Nancy Tzu-mei Chen )

In 1992, a group of Christian women, also members of Homemakers’ Union, started the Taiwan Christian Ecological Center (TCEC) to promote the holistic environmental education mainly in Christian communities. In order to participate in the movement leading to major social and cultural transformations for a healthy sustainable future, TCEC was registered on June 21st, 1998 as Taiwan Ecological Stewardship Association, TESA, and recruits members from different religious backgrounds.

Seeing and having compassion for the harassed and helpless people in modern society, including ourselves, TESA emphasizes the pursuit of eco-justice, based on the study of land ethics and the practice of simple life. It also emphasizes the integration of various traditional moral and religious dimensions of life with a new ecological worldview.

As a partner of the Earth Charter International, TESA focuses its programs on two principles of the Earth Charter:

Principle 4.b. Transmit to future generations values, traditions, and institutions that support the long-term flourishing of Earth human and ecological communities

Principle 9.c. Recognize the ignored, protect the vulnerable, serve those who suffer, and enable them to develop their capacities and to pursue their aspiration.

Keywords: seeing, having compassion, harassed and helpless, eco-justice, land ethics, simple life, the vulnerable tribal village, the Earth Charter





Department of Religious Studies, Hsuan Chuang University

Life Conservationist Association

HongShi Buddhist Cultural and Educational Foundation


Ministry of Science and Technology,Republic of China

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, R.O.C.

Ministry of Education, R.O.C.

Hsuan Chuang University


Hsuan Chuang University Research Center For Applied Ethics

Buddhist HongShi College